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Peaceful Warriors

We were born in countries miles apart from each other - Istanbul, Turkey and Donetsk, Ukraine from parents in different circumstances who had very similar values and ideologies about life. They both raised us with highly socialist and intellectual values. They both loved nature and adventures. Not to mention they were both courageous enough to immigrate to Canada for a better future for their children. We’re both very grateful to be here in this wast and beautiful country that welcomed us and brought us together. As much as we miss aspects of our homelands, we both love Canada and feel at home here.

Ivan and I met at our dojo - CMAC Toronto - where we’re practicing Karate. We started the program a year apart, and it took us three years until we talked to each other. Out first interaction was when I initiated the yoga program at our school. Ivan - the quiet and the awkward kid - was one of the first to sign up for my class. So it was the combination of martial arts and yoga that magnetized us to each other.

We’re very much like Yin and Yang - he’s the base, the fire, the craftsman, the accelerator and I’m the water, the designer, the initiator, the perseverance. We’re both entrepreneurs, nature loving, positive, kind and adventurist warriors. We follow a spiritual path and cruelty free lifestyle; therefore, living in the city feels less and less authentic to us. We love new experiences, getting our hands dirty and overcoming challenges. So this project is perfect for us.

Our vision is to build a truly natural and blissful space for us to create and for our people to enjoy. We already designed the tiny cabins we’re gonna build in our private woods, host retreats and ceremonies to celebrate life. We also want to inspire and help others to design/build their own natural and authentic life.